Our Day Today

We’ve had a lovely day, so I thought I’d share it here. Last night I set out some work for Audrey to do today and she went right to it when she woke up, before even having breakfast! She picked up the fractions very quickly, as she tends to do with mathematical concepts

Then we took Robin out for a walk in the buggy to get him to sleep for his nap. The weather was lovely. We collected some leaves for a craft, and when we got home we drew around them and then glued red lentils, yellow split peas, dried rosemary and dry pasta on to make the leaf shapes.

Then Audrey’s home ed friend M and her mum came to visit and we had a group knitting lesson where they tried knitting for the first time, and we got the guinea pigs out to play. A home ed mum I do a childcare swap with dropped her two boys off and we all had lunch together. Then the children all looked at books and read to each other.

When Robin woke up from his nap we all went out to the community garden to play, climb trees, eat wild strawberries and paddle in the river.

Then we went on a walk to the Braid Valley Park and collected wild flowers to press and leaves for leaf tapping – put the leaves under paper and tap with a hammer to transfer the colour. Now we’re on our own again at home, reading about castles.

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